
10eo – An Example

This is the beginning of a short series to help explain 10eo – what it is and how it works. 10eo is an art form defined by its exploration of authenticity and objective truth. It is an examination of trust. Foundational questions: 10eo provides a framework for entertaining and evaluating these questions. A 10eo artwork…

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10eo – The Art of Possession

How do you secure human trust in a world where virtually everything can be faked? What are creative ways to combat the looming onslaught of digital artifice? Aesthetically, I feel the allure of analog processes, IRL interactions, wetware and human-centric authenticity – flaws and all – art forms unreachable by computers. Below is an initial…

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Transients – Geospatial Graffiti

Our lives are defined by space and time.  We need a way to annotate our passage – to decorate the timeline of our existence.  This concept uses generally accepted methods of identifying location and measuring time to create a digital framework onto which information can be uniquely attached/stored for later retrieval and analysis.  Core Philosophy…

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